Our Mission
The teamWORK 7-on-7 Football Program was established in January of 2017. Coach Gerald "Boo" Mitchell was asked to be the General Manager for the team due to his experience as both a high school football coach and an advocate for children in Gwinnett County, GA. Coach "Boo" quickly selected friends, coaches, and community leaders; Drew Johnson, Frontia Fountain and Tim Jennings to serve as coaches in this opportunity to coach, train, mentor and mold young men in the North Metro Atlanta area.
The teamWORK team is a Christian-based organization. Christian principles such as PRAYER, FAITH, FORGIVENESS, BLESSINGS, PATIENCE, PEACE, and many others are taught, stressed, and utilized by the coaches on a daily basis. Our team consists of a diverse group of players with various ethnic, socio-economic origins, and backgrounds who have all joined this team for a common purpose and are bound by their passion and love for the game of football. The coaches use this opportunity to infuse into the players many of life’s lessons while simultaneously teaching and coaching through the competitive rigors of National 7-on-7 travel team football.
After learning about International Sports Federation (ISF) and meeting with representatives from ISF, we sincerely feel that we have a synergy that could benefit countless others both domestically and abroad. It is our belief that through the phenomenon of 7-on-7 football, the teamWORK Team can travel and perform mission trips to other countries to evangelize the Gospel of Jesus Christ while showing and teaching their world-wide peers and counterparts to play the game of 7-on-7 football. We also believe that through our actions and the example that we set with our partnership with ISF that other domestic 7-on-7 football teams will seek to become international evangelists as well through ISF or other organizations. Either way, the Kingdom of God is grown and manifested in places that it may not have otherwise happened.
As always the ultimate goal is that God receives the Glory!